students :

core curriculum
student performances
showcase concert
inspired performances
attendance expectations

concerts & events

student information

We have assembled who we feel are the very finest teachers, clinicians and performers for a week of celebration and community. It is our hope that you and your child will go away from the festival with renewed motivation, inspiration, and a sense of Dr. Suzuki’s dream for creating a better world through music.

On this page you will find the basic information regarding your child’s participation at the festival.

core curriculum

curriculum levels

Student participants are divided into three levels...

NOTE: In order for children to participate in any of the schedule classes he or she should have mastered the Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star Variations by the start of the Festival.

daily offerings

There are four days during the festival, Tuesday through Friday, which include five core offerings: a yoga class, a master class, a repertoire class and, depending on the level, an Orff-Schulwerk or guitar orchestra.


One elective is offered to student participants enrolling in level 2 and 3 for a fee of $60 per offering. No electives are offered to children in Level 1 due to the challenging curriculum for young children. A special allowance will be made to those Book 1 and Book 2 students who are 7 years or older. Contact the office to request this allowance.

NOTE: Electives are offered on a first-come-first-served basis. Early enrollment will increase the likelihood of obtaining the class of your choice.

Level 2 (books 3-5)

Level 3 (books 6 and above)

Children performing

student performances

A number of offerings are available for all students of any level in the Suzuki Guitar School™. There is no additional charge to participants for taking part in these exciting events. See the concerts & events page for specific dates and times of these events.

Mid–day Recitals

Each day will offer an opportunity for all festival student participants to sign up to perform in mid-day recitals. A sign-up sheet will be available at the registration table. Sign up early since space is limited to a total of 48 performers.

Schools Concert

Your teacher may elect to audition your school for a performance in the “Schools Concert.” Four schools will be chosen, through an audition process, to make a unique and creative, 20 minute, presentation.

Your teacher is responsible for auditioning and registering your guitar school for this event. Your teacher should download and fill out the Schools Concert Application Form to allow the participation of your school in this event.

Ensemble Concert

One concert scheduled at the end of the week will be dedicated to ensemble performances. These performances will be presented by the various levels of orchestra as well as the smaller chamber ensembles.

Gala Concert and Party

The tour-de-force of the Festival will be the final Gala Concert. All those attending the Festival are expected to participate and perform. This will be a historic event since it very likely will represent the greatest number of Suzuki guitarists ever assembled on a single stage.

The concert will be immediately followed by a grand party. We will celebrate our discovery, accomplishment and time together as well as to say good-bye to our reunited and new friends.

Showcase Concert

Since Suzuki Guitar has been in development for over 20 years, we have naturally witnessed the emergence of many exceptional players. These players continue to offer us inspiration and challenge us to learn how to bring the very best to our own students and children. This very special event will feature the very finest Suzuki Guitar performers attending the Festival. We would like to invite all festival student participants to consider auditioning for this inspiring offering.

A portion of the proceeds of this concert will go to Wheels for Iraqi Kids, a special program dedicated to helping the children of Iraq. Please see the festival news! page for more information about this program and the amazing difference one child can make in the lives of many.

If you feel your child would like to participate we are offering the following audition guidelines and procedure.

The Showcase Concert is made possible by a generous contribution by Ruben Flores, Classical and Flamenco Guitars.

Audition Guidelines

Audition Procedure

  1. Fill out the audition form.
  2. Record two preferred pieces in American video format on DVD or VHS tape. Audio tape is not acceptable. These recordings will not be returned, so be sure keep your original.
  3. Submit the video and audition form to the Longay Conservatory of Guitar by May 1, 2008. Late submissions will not be accepted. Remember that all decisions are final.

You will be notified by June 1, 2008 as to your acceptance as a performer for the concert.

Download an information/audition form to continue your consideration as a performer for this event.

Inspired Performances

Attendance for these concerts is limited to Teachers, Parents and Students ages 7 and above. Go to Concerts and Events page to learn more about these exciting performances.

William Kanengiser

Recognized as one of America’s most brilliant guitarists.

Showcase Concert

The week will feature a very special Showcase Concert which will present the worlds very finest young Suzuki Guitar performers.

Celso Machado

Master of ritmos brasileiros, virtuoso guitarist, percussionist and multi-instrumentalist Celso Machado brings joy to his audiences, with his subtle mixture of musical inspiration, irresistible rhythm and inspired lunacy.

Attendance Expectations

Repertoire expectation

In keeping with the Suzuki tenet that all music in the repertoire is thoroughly learned and maintained it is expected that all students have a solid mastery of all pieces in the Suzuki Guitar School™ up to the level of their current piece. Consult with your teacher about meeting this expectation.

Behavioral Rules

The following behavioral rules are intended to provide us all a pleasant and safe festival experience. It is assumed that, by enrolling in the festival you agree with these rules and have discussed them thoroughly with your children. Please see the General Information page for a list of behavioral rules.

Cell Phones

Cell phones and pagers must be disengaged during all lessons, group class or all performance events. Please do not bring active cell phones into the classrooms, rehearsal or performance venues.