UPDATED: JULY 25, 2009
If you would like more information about our program or the Suzuki approach for guitar, please feel free to contact us by phone at (408) 343.0933.
4701 Patrick Henry Drive, Bldg. 9
Santa Clara, CA 95054
You can download directions and a map to our location in .pdf for your convenience.(Requires Acrobat Reader or similar program)
If you are in the South Bay area and would like to periodically receive information by mail about upcoming events which include lectures, open houses, concerts and recitals, please send your:
City, State and ZIP
and Phone numbers(You must be 18 years or older. All information will be treated confidentially.)
We are looking forward to hearing from you!
You can easily find out what's happening in the Suzuki Guitar world...
Suzuki Association of the Americas to learn about efforts in the Americas...
Suzuki Association of the Americas: www.suzukiassociation.org
Guitar Committee of the Suzuki Association of the Americas the to learn about workshop offerings at locations throughout the US and abroad. Once a year you will receive a newsletter informing you of the dates and locations of these very special events.
Send an email with your name, address and telephone to Seth Himmelhoch, secretary.
South Bay Guitar Society: www.sbgs.org
The city of Santa Clara Chamber of Commerce Home Page
©1998 Frank Longay
All rights reserved.
Although all material at this Web Site is copyrighted,
please feel free to print this page for your personal informational use.